Energy management conscious 5 companies and 6 members participated in the exclusive and practical workshop to gain their confidence level to implement MS ISO 50001 class Energy Management System (EnMS) operation in their respective organisation. All are now confidence they can reduce energy cost significantly in their organisation.
The 3-day workshop session was designed to make the participants after the completion to be able to lead their organisations to run ISO 50001 Class EnMS operation. In order to achieve the task, the organiser expertise offered to form a partnership through the session to make participants competency as well as to provide ready to use EnMS key management documents including EnMS Charter. Additionally, MediaWiki based EnMS operating System, wiki50001 was introduced for smooth and efficient execution of EnMS operation. 8 credits for Energy Master Class Professional Scheme is awarded to each participant by Suruhanjaya Tanaga (Energy Commission) of Malaysia.
The targeted participants were the top management representative (EnMS Champion) currently or in the near future to direct the organisation’s EnMS operation. )full story...
...For those interested to know the full agenda of the workshop, please download the 3-day agenda table (pdf)
The background of forming the league came quite natural, the organiser assessed. In general, Malaysian people are humble, eager to lesten to good ideas, having willingness to try-it-out, not afraid of drawbacks, but rather to learn from the drawbacks to further improve. These elements are exactly the process of PDCA. From the workshop, only the gap we identified was people are to polite to communicate with their top management to twist their arm. We believe the "Energy User League of ISO 50001 Self-Declaration Malaysia" would be the energy to fill up the gap, and can rightly encourage the industries to move forward to take leading role globally. Later the league idea was presented to an official of Suruhanjaya Tanaga (Energy Commission) of Malaysia., and would most like to have their endorsement.
Initial member of the "Energy User League of ISO 50001 Self-Declaration Malaysia":
♣ KJM Aluminium Can Sdn. Bhd. ♣ TenCate Geosynthetics Asia Sdn. Bhd. ♣ Kian Joo Packaging Sdn. Bhd. ♣ Tasek Corporation Berhad ♣ Cargill Palm Products Sdn. ♣ EeSolution Engineering ♣ EnMS-Doc Associates |