Description and intent:

“Energy User League of ISO 50001 Self-Declaration-Malaysia” (hereinafter refer to as “The League” or “League Malaysia-50001”) consists of company or organisation members operating in Malaysia as described below:
  1. Energy User Company or organisation recognising ISO 50001 International Standard for Energy Management System (hereinafter refer to as “EnMS”) as an effective tool and driver to pursue continual improvement of energy performance that leads into global competitive advantage.
  2. Company or organisation under the ISO 50001 procurement scheme put forward by the company or organisation described above Item (1).
  3. Government body, Consultant or service provider committed to support the enhancement of the league activities.
Energy user members benefitted from the ISO 50001 Class Energy Management System (EnMS) to share the experience and know-how to other energy users in expanding the sustainability business development circle guiding Malaysia a leading nation in endorsing ISO 50001 standard.
  • The league’s aim is to exchange information and know-how related to global energy management activities in order to capitalise energy efficiency opportunity.
  • The league is to promote the member organisation to establish, implement, document, maintain and improve EnMS operation in accordance with ISO 50001.
  • The league is to seek the most economical way for the member organisation to reach the level of ISO 50001 “Self-Declaration”.

The league’s ultimate goal is to reach the level of self-competency to endorse that any member announcing “Self-Declaration” is regarded as good as ISO 50001 certification.

The certification is remained opportunity for the member to decide whether the certification is strategically viable for its business.

League position statement:

The league is to take full advantage of ISO 50001 Class superiority first to improve energy performance to enhance the corporate business performance. Unlike other management systems, ISO 50001 Class energy management system for its business nature, certification can be considered only when the corporate implement the operation system capturing superior energy performance cycle with transparent saving verification in place. The position in which the league firmly takes that ISO 50001 Class EnMS operation can only be and best verified by the organisation of itself. Therefore the league aims to make ISO 50001 Class EnMS operation available for all industry doing business in Malaysia, and help Malaysia taking the leading role globally in endorsing EnMS operation for sustainability business development in order to demonstrate world-class competitive edge.
The league members wish to communicate:
  • The superiority of ISO 50001 Class Energy Management System (EnMS) operation that brings business advantages to the energy user organisation.
  • The essence of EnMS is to continually improve energy performance to which the business output is major part of the scope.
  • ISO 50001 EnMS is different from other management systems in nature to prove conformity is through sustainability driven communication, not only by certification.


Membership classification:

SEP member:
  • The member pursuing to upgrade the organisation to the level of ISO 50001 “Self-Declaration”, and committed to take leadership role to enhance the league
  • The member of League Operation Committee
Regular member:
  • Open membership to companies or organisations recognising the value of EnMS operation

Organisation chart:

League Operation Committee:

  • League operation committee is operated by the SEP member, headed by a chairperson and a vice-chairperson selected by SEP members
  • Decision making and commanding function to conduct the League operation
  • Ensures League operation is properly executed to achieve objectives and targets, and demonstrate leadership for the League activities
  • Promote the League activities in the business environment
  • Hold and chair the general meeting towards year end to review year activities and provide direction for the following year activities
  • Nominate chairperson and vice-chairperson
  • Nominates and votes in upgrading regular members to the SEP member
  • Supervise and instruct secretariat for proper execution of the League activities

Role and Responsibility:


Represents as the head of the League and act as the head of League Operation Committee for the period of one year form the time of elected until the next chairperson is elected, and having following role and responsibility:
  • Designate the member to necessary function as required
  • Approves the League activities and documents prepared by the League members
  • Call general meeting at least once a year
  • Call League Operation Committee meeting as appropriate
  • Communicate to members on key activities
  • Act for the best of members benefit


  • Assist the chairperson ensuring the optimum output of League mission
  • Take chairperson’s role during the absence of chairperson

League operation committee member (SEP member):

  • Votes chairperson and vice-chairperson at the general meeting
  • Assists chairperson and vice-chairperson to the best of ability
  • Recommends any activities promoting the League’s purpose
  • Participate once a year general meeting


  • Arrange the logistics of the League’s activities
  • Arrange documentation aspects of League activities
  • Keeps book on income and expenditures related to the League’s activities
  • Prepare and arrange the implementation of general meeting

2013 Objectives:

  • Create generate awareness among key energy users in Malaysia about the importance of complying ISO 50001 in order to achieve energy performance improvement
  • Encourage enhancement of EnMS operation implemented by energy user organisation in Malaysia to the level of self-declaring that organisation is in conformance to ISO 50001
  • Recruit key energy users and related organisation to become the League member

Our mission #1

To broaden association with energy users through ISO 50001 Class EnMS

Our mission #2

To guide energy users to impllement ISO 50001 Class EnMS operation

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Our partner in Malaysia and EnMS Specialist

Our partner in Singapore and Management Specialist

We are TEAM's energy services partner in designated contries for M&V enhancement promotion.

For free download materials by eesolution and enms-doc, please click here.

"All 12 documents in a set" Economical price on sale making ISO 50001 "self declaration" within reach.

Home pages we follow

Helping companies wanting to explore Japanese market with an objective of susatainablility business development.

We are closely following the development of the UK leading EnMS solution software.

Open source economic paperless EnMS operating system is very useful to make full use of our EnMS management documents.

We are following EnMS and Sustainability progress in Ireland thru SEAI.

We are following the progress of the SEP programs promoted by USCEEM.

We are keeping our eyes on the GSEP development under the CEM

We learn a lot from this ISO dedicated publisher website
(only in Japanese)。

We benefit a lot from real time information blog pages provided by Mr. Nakao (only in Jaoanese)

Permission to use extracts from ISO 50001 was provided by Standards Council of Canada. No further reproduction is permitted without prior written approval from Standards Council of Canada.